Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The Union City watertower on West High Street.

Keeton Realty - revised on May 13, 2011

The picture on this postcard would probably been taken in the mid 1970's based on the automobiles in the picture (anyone have an idea of the time frame for the picture?). The buildings that I identify are Keeton Realty (was Trudgeon's Drug Store when I lived in Union City), the local General Telephone central office, and the Methodist Church.

Note - Regarding the building in the picture ...(from the publication titled "Historical Industrial and Social Record of Peerless Union City Michigan" edited, compiled, and published by Tom F. Robinson in March 1903) identifes the corner building as the "Farmers' Bank Block".

Note - Got a comment from a blog viewer suggesting the date of the picture would have been in the 1970's rather than the 1960's based on two of the auto's in the picture.

Sunday, June 3, 2012