Monday, January 6, 2014

Sherwood - Pictures and comments from Frank Gorsline - Posting #1

Over the past couple of weeks have been corresponding with Frank Gorsline who lived in Sherwood and graduated in the class of 1955 in Union City.  In his emails he noted that he and his wife Lyonie both graduated from the Seattle Pacific University, and have moved many times and lost many of the photos from his past from Sherwood.  He noted that he is in the process of putting together his thoughts on what he remembers from living in Sherwood for his family.  My brother Marty and I have sent a few pictures that we have collected, and in return he has forwarded several pictures that he has copies of.  He noted he has moved many times the same goes for me ...I have moved 28 times since leaving Union City in 1960 I can relate to loosing things during my many moves.  With Frank's permission, I am going to post several pictures along with his comments and thoughts from what he remembers regarding the pictures.  This being the first of a few postings I will be doing over the next week or two on Sherwood.

Frank lives in Vancouver, Washington, but has a winter retreat in Lakeland, Florida, where he spends three to four months each year (referred to as a Snowbird by those living in Florida all year).  Most of his family lives in Vancouver and Seattle, Washington, where he spends time visiting his three children and 8 grandchildren.

The picture is of the Sherwood House, or as some refer to it as the Merrill Hotel. Frank noted that as a kid he remembers exploring inside the building.

The 1915 map cutout of the north side of Sherwood notes the location of the hotel at the corner of Fulton and Main Streets.

Another picture of the Sherwood House. See note below regarding the automobile in the picture.

I'm sending this photo from an article published in the Union City Register Tribune, published May 8, 1975. The article was one from a series on the history of Sherwood, written by Jerry Mack who taught school in Athens, Michigan.  I talked to  his wife Gayle, she indicated that several photos in the 10 article series published, came from Velma (Klose) French, a long time resident of Sherwood. It is her father who is at the wheel of the car.

To quote the article: "The first automobile in the Village of Sherwood was this 1908 Buick owned by Hal Klose, who is shown behind the wheel with his family in the rear seat."  I have compare this photo to the car in the Sherwood Hotel postcard.  It sure looks like the same car, and looks like the only photo of the hotel with a car at the side.  It is a news copy so I'm not sure how well it will print.  
Gayle Mack said she is fine with posting this photo if you think it is appropriate to make a qualified guess about it being the same car ...I agree with Frank, appears to be the same car. 

Frank also sent a newspaper clipping from the Battle Creek Enquirer and News about a large willow tree that once stood at the corner near the hotel.  The date of the photo is not known, but judging by the autos in the picture, would guess sometime in the early to mid 50's.

In this postcard picture Frank remembers the Michigan Central Railroad that run through Sherwood.  The depot on the left, pickle factory and grain elevator on the right.

Not sure what year ended passenger service in Sherwood and Union City, but the postcard looks to be from the early 1900's.  I know train still provided freight service in Union City before I left Union City in 1960, but not sure what year the trains stopped running through Union City and Sherwood, or when the railroad tracks were removed.
The 1915 map cutout of the north side of Sherwood notes the location of the of the Pickle Factory, Grain Elevator, Stock Yards, and Train Depot.
Early 1900 picture of downtown Sherwood looking north.
Early 1900 picture of downtown Sherwood looking south.  The Methodist Church Steeple in the background.

The 1915 map cutout of the downtown area in Sherwood.