Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Change to downtown Union City

The top picture I took of the old Watkins-Maxon Block when I heard that it was going to be demolished, and the one below it of the landscape of the missing buildings that had been part of the downtown landscape for over 100 years.

What I remember about that block ....it was where my 1st home was after I was born in 1942 ...I lived in an apartment above the bar; next to where I got my first filling at Dr. Finlay's Dentist Office; where I went to Doctor Mooi as a baby; where I delivered the Battle Creek Enquirer and News as a boy (whatever happen to "and News"?); where I went to the post office; where I got a great piece of homemake pie at McRae's Resturant; where I remember browsing all the great old hardware items found at Miller's hardware ....a lot of Union City history on that old corner lot!
That's me!

1 comment:

  1. The door to the left where the bar is, eventually became the Cardinal Cafe about 51 or 52. My parents bought it after selling Swan Brothers Market. I spent many hours peeling potatoes, and listening to "Goodnight Irene" on the JukeBox. I still have the painting that Darlene Kimmel did of a pair of Cardinals, that was done for the bar.
