Friday, May 20, 2011

Ellen and Broadway - Revised 20 May 2011

The postcard is not postmarked, but estimate the picture was taken between 1910 and 1915. The picture was taken on Broadway looking west on Ellen Street. The Union City Natinal Bank is pictured on the corner of Broadway and Ellen Street.
In the background of the picture above are several buildings. Two of them were were cropped from this picture and are shown below. (As with all the pictures in the "Old Union City Postcards" blog, click on them to enlarge!)
The sign above the three story building reads:  Wm Lyon Furniture and Undertaking  The building later housed the Amstutz Hatchery that was run by Alvin & Ruby Scherry until it closed in 1972.

The church in the picture is that of the Grace Episcopal Church. (The picture on the left is a cropped picture from the top picture and the one on the right is from the publication noted below.)
Note - Regarding the "Grace Episcopal Church" ...(from the publication titled "Historical Industrial and Social Record of Peerless Union City Michigan" edited, compiled, and published by Tom F. Robinson in March 1903), EARLY HISTORY OF UNION CITY, reads: ....The religious society was organized Dec. 23, 1864, at the home of Dr. H. F. Ewers, eighteen persons becoming members. In 1865 the present frame structure on Ellen Stree was finished and formally dedicated. The first rector was Rev. George Verner, who came here from Detroit and remained two years. Other rectors have been Rev. S. W. Frisbie and Rev. Charles Hughson. Since late in the eighties no regular services have been held in the church, although the desk is occasionally occupied by Bishop Gillispie, of Grand Rapids.

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