Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Uncle Burr's Residence

Uncle Burr's Residence in Union City. The Uncle Burr referenced in the picture is Captain Burr Osborn.
Note - If anyone can identify the location of this home, please email at (click on email address to send an email ..thanks!).

Below is a theory sent to me by Beatrice (Madden) Lake on the possible location of the home ...does anyone have any additional thoughts on her theory?

In way of introduction, I am Beatrice (Madden) Lake. I am the oldest sister of your classmate Jim Madden. I was referred to your website when it first began, and Have enjoyed your postings. I have a personal collection of all the yearbooks and "Peerless Union City" and "Union City on the St. Joe" to which you have referred. And a couple of Branch County Atlases. I just love a mystery, and have enjoyed trying to figure out where this building would be in Union City. First I thought it would be John Street, where Zae Robinson White lived, but there are more gables on that house, and then I thought it was the one Klaudia Fisher lives in next door, that being one of the older homes. But..........My Theory: I believe this is Captain Burr Osborn, an interesting man who sailed the world 3 times before settling in this area. His accounts of "Early Pioneer Days" he wrote for the Register-Tribune in the 1920's is in the Bi-Centennial book 1976. From those article he lived on Thrams road, south of Girard (confirmed by my 1879 Branch County Atlas). He moved to Allen Street, (the street that runs on the south side of Congregational Church). The house the 1976 book refers to is the one left standing across from the church. But in my minds eye, I remember a house that looked like this just around the corner from Broadway that Mrs. Enner (sp) lived in, in the 1940's. She operated the Strand Theatre when I was a kid. That house has been razed, (now back of the Dollar Store) and I feel that could be that one. My 1909 Union City Directory, publishedby Tom F. Robinson. says he lived on Allen St. The listing of those living on Allen St. are as follows: Roy D. Rayner, Leo L. Johnson, J. Calvin Richards, Burr Osborn, S. Eugene Lee and Henry Corey. I would assume that the listing began at broadway, and if that is so, He would have lived approximately where that home is. I can't see that is the same home, even with remodeling. I guess it will take more investigation. I don't know if there was any other verification that he lived in the house still standing or not. It has been fun researching this postcard, but mine is only a theory. I hope to see many more interesting things on this website, and I would appreciate your response on my theory when you have time.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Beatrice Lake

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