Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hawley School

Does anyone know where the Hawley School was located? See comment below!

This is another photo from those sent to me by Stan Smith. The picture below has those in the photo on the reverse side of the photo, along with it noting this picture is of the students at Hawley School in the 1890's.

Update .....Using the 1900 census, I located several of the students listed above that were attending the Hawley School. The picture notes it was taken around 1890. The census records for the students pinpoints their locations as the SW corner of Union Townsip (see the area circled below). Does anyone know what the name of the country school located on Arbogast Road just south of Francisco Road in the 1950's? The first plat map is from around 1960, and the second is from 1894 noting the location of a school.

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