Sunday, May 1, 2011

Union City School Picture

The Union City school picture below is from a collection of pictures and documents sent to me from Stanley Smith a classmate of mine from the class of 1960. After I have completed scanning and posting the collection, I will forward the items to the Union City Historical Society.
The date of the picture is not know. On the backside of the picture are a number of names listed, but would like to have those that view the picture to let me know if they see any familiar faces, as I will update the list if you send me a comment or an email to
Note - As always, to see the picture in a larger size, click on the picture. To return to this page, click "Back" on your browser.
Front row r to l - Lewis May, Raymond Johnson, ???, Lavern Swartout, Ferris Bell, ???, ???, Ed Buell, Carl Baylis, ???, Vernon Salisbury, Harold James, ???, ???, Wayne Cline, Vernon Cline, ???, ???, Carl Boes, Alan Munger.
Second row r to l - Charles Halstead, Eldred Drake, Emily Trumbull, Velma Buck, Margaret Day, Dorthy Squier, Lois Stafford, Roy Baylis, ???, ???, Loyal Jones, ???, Helen Robinson, Frances Jones, ???, ???, Ethel Whitaker, ???, Russell Kimball, ???, ???, ???, Barbara Boyer, Cleo Wilson, Myrtie Palmatier, Lena Warner, Frances Johnson, ???.
Small row above r to l - ???, ???, Anna Kindig, Duretha Buller, Kathleen Wilson, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???.
Third row r to l - ???, ???, ???, ???, Kenneth Buck, Leland Jones, ???, Sibley Smith, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Daisy Williams, Lucy Clark, Mrs. Ford, Ms Cockran, Mrs. Olmsted, Jimmy Nottaway, Robert Fitz.

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