Sunday, May 2, 2010

418 Division Street

The above picture was sent to me back in 2007 by Elma "Wisnieski" Carpenter. Her note that come with the picture read ...the attached postcard of Arthur's great-grandparents' home at 418 Division Street, Union City. It was the home of Herman A. Johnson and Ella "Harland" Johnson. Arthur's grandmother, Ethel "Johnson" Carpenter's parents' home. It was across the street and west of where Arthur, his three sisters (my note ...his sister Carla was in my class), and his parents lived. Grandma Carpenter's note says "mother on porch." That would be Ella "Harland" Johnson.

Note ....later another of my classmates, Vickie Brown and her parents Vern & Rema Brown lived at 418 Division Street. Today another classmate, Sylvia "Frederick" Fraley and her husband Steve own the home at 418 Division Street.


  1. This was my family home from 1962-1974. My parents were Francis and Shirley Walter.
    Is there a way to get copies of this wonderful home?; such warm memories were created in this house. I would love to have a picture. Thanks!

  2. To save a copy of any of the pictures posted all one has to do is click on the picture and was the enlarged pictures appears, right click on the picture and select save.
