Monday, May 31, 2010

UCHS Class 1960 - Class 50th Reunion Pictures

(Back Row L-R): Jim Madden, Bob Hamilton, Dick Brown, Jane Glen, Bob Warner, Eileen Schragg, Sharon Tyson, Jerry DeCair, Vicky Chase, Harriet Schrader, Sylvia Fredericks, Jean Franks, Frank Wilcox, Sam Martin, Tom Almond, & Dick Wessel
(Middle Row L-R): Ted Hart, Carla Carpenter, Judy Miller, Edith Keefe, Dianna Musselman, Alice Rasey, & Travis Cole

(Front Row L-R): Jim Herman, Bernie Bennett, Stan Smith, Ron Chard, & Jessie Riggs

To view the Union City High School class of 1960's 50th reunion pictures on "Golf, Hammond House, Alumni Dinner, Moonraker, Picnic, or Parade" to return to this page, click on the back button of your browser.
Note - The 50th reunion pictures are viewed in Google Picasa and you can view a picture at a time, view in slideshow, print a page, or download a page. I want to thank Bonnie, Bernie, Judy, and Sylvia for sharing picture they took during the weekend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

UCHS Class of 1960 - 50th Class Reunion Book

To view the Union City High School class of 1960's 50th reunion book on "1960", and to return to this page, click on the back button of your browser.
Note - The reunion book is viewed in Google Picasa and you can view the reunion book a page at a time, view in slideshow, print a page, or download a page.

UCHS Class of 1960 - 40th Class Reunion Pictures

To view the Union City High School class of 1960's 40th reunion pictures on "Pictures", and to return to this page, click on the back button of your browser.
Note - The 40th reunion pictures are viewed in Google Picasa and you can view a picture at a time, view in slideshow, print a page, or download a page.

UCHS Class of 1960 - 25th Class Reunion Pictures

To view the Union City High School class of 1960's 25th reunion pictures on "Pictures", and to return to this page, click on the back button of your browser.

Note - The 25th reunion pictures are viewed in Google Picasa and you can view a picture at a time, view in slideshow, print a page, or download a page.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Timeline of the Union City Community Schools - 1835 to present (page 1 revised)

The following 10 pages contain a timeline of the Union City Community Schools from their beginning way back in 1835 to the present. The sources of the information come from several written books as well as from individuals, each noted in the narrative for a particular event in the timeline. The timeline was prepared by me for the 50th reunion book for the Union City High School - Class of 1960. Our class reunion will be held May 29, 30, & 31, 2010.
  • Note - As with all picture on the blog, click on any of the images to enlarge, and use the "back" feature in your browser to return to this page when done viewing an image.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

418 Division Street

The above picture was sent to me back in 2007 by Elma "Wisnieski" Carpenter. Her note that come with the picture read ...the attached postcard of Arthur's great-grandparents' home at 418 Division Street, Union City. It was the home of Herman A. Johnson and Ella "Harland" Johnson. Arthur's grandmother, Ethel "Johnson" Carpenter's parents' home. It was across the street and west of where Arthur, his three sisters (my note ...his sister Carla was in my class), and his parents lived. Grandma Carpenter's note says "mother on porch." That would be Ella "Harland" Johnson.

Note ....later another of my classmates, Vickie Brown and her parents Vern & Rema Brown lived at 418 Division Street. Today another classmate, Sylvia "Frederick" Fraley and her husband Steve own the home at 418 Division Street.