Monday, October 28, 2013

Poe's General Store and Post Office

Poe's General Store and Post Office located on Hammond Street.  The edge of the old Opera House is on right and American Express Company is on the left.

Comment - Bob Warner sent me an email and noted that his dad's pool hall was located in the building with the American Express Office sign.  He also noted that the Nichels Opera Hall was torn down about 1950.

Comment - In 1945 the store to the left of Poe's was the Baylis Jewelry Store; the picture labeled Poe's was Maude Lake's Hat shop and the store on the right was the Union City Locker Co. purchased from the Coldwater Meat Locker in 1945 by Carl and Elma Ratzow and Ed and Wilma Zarmstorf. submitted by Elma Carpenter

1 comment:

  1. In 1945 the store to the left of Poe's was the Baylis Jewelry Store; the picture labeled Poe's was Maude Lake's Hat shop and the store on the right was the Union City Locker Co. purchased from the Coldwater Meat Locker in 1945 by Carl and Elma Ratzow and Ed and Wilma Zarmstorf. submitted by Elma Carpenter
