Monday, May 20, 2013

Raymond Grimes and Skinny Bullock - Re-posted see comment!

The picture was scanned while visiting the Hammond House in May.  Note on the back notes Wilbur Raymond Grimes and Skinny.

Comment ....Hi,  I love the site.  I've to take more time to look at the photo's but the picture that say Wilbur Grimes  is Raymond Grimes my grandfather. Wilbur (wig is his son). But I know that is a picture of my grandfather.  I'm Robert (cob's) daughter.  Wendy Ryder

Comment sent by Bea Lake ....I think the picture of Grimes and Bullock could be related to the  bluegill rearing pond out by Union Dam.   I think they are bluegill fingerlings they released out there.   I think this picture is related to the article of the same in the newspaper.

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