Friday, May 27, 2011

Flood - March 9, 1908

The flooding that occurred in early March of 1908, was a result of heavy accumulations of snow in February, followed by heavy rains in early March, and warm temperatures resulting in the quick melting of the snow.  The St. Joseph and Coldwater Rivers both reached record flood levels.  On Sunday, March 8th the foundation for the south end of the Broadway Bridge gave way (as see in the forth picture below) and the bridge collapsed into the St. Joseph River.  
The following pictures of the bridge after it collapsed, and the flooding that occurred in the southeast part of Union City.
Picture of the Broadway Bridge taken in 1907 a year before the flood
Looking north from the south side of where the bridge stood
Another picture looking north from the south side of where the bridge stood.  
Comments provided by my brother Marty..... The barn and building next to it was built in 1845 and used as stores.  In later years it was used as a hotel and was called the "Titlow House".  After the hotel closed the barn was used as a livery stable.  In 1915 the buildings were torn down and the Engle and Stanton Ford Garage was in 1920.  In 1922, Carl Bray purchased the business.  The building is now the home of the new Union Township Library.
Picture of a large crowd of spectators on the north side of where the bridge once stood, possibly Sunday after church, since the bridge collapsed on a Sunday?
Picture from the north side looking towards the south side, the Riverside Hotel to the left
Worker installing a temporary swing bridge across the St. Joseph River
Lady walking across the swing bridge towards the Riverside Hotel
Children crossing the swing bridge towards downtown
Looking south towards the Riverside Hotel
Residence surrounded by water
Looks to be a mill race, location not know other than it's in Union City
Flooded homes
Home flooded with the Union City Water Works in the rear of the picture
More flooded homes
Street and homes flooded
More homes and barns flooded
Ariel view look south showing the extent of the flooding
A 1909 picture of the new bridge that replaced the one lost in the 1908 flood
Millrace bridge collapse on June 4, 1908
Comments provided by my brother Marty..... The millrace bridge collapsed on June 4, 1908 due to stress from the March floods when Leo Bigford was crossing the bridge with his threshing machine.

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