Friday, October 21, 2011

Moving Day in Union City - early 1920's ...Re-post with comment on 21 Nov 2011

The picture was sent to me by my brother Marty.  The truck moving a families possessions sitting at the corner of Broadway and Allen Streets, with Soldiers Park and the Congregational Church in the background. The picture is estimated to have been taken in the early 1920's.
Does anyone have a clue as to who the men are in the picture or correct date?

Comment - Hi Ron:
The Union City Bicentennial 1976 booklet in the UC Public library, the picture is titled "Ed Lincoln and his truck".  Hope this helps. 

I enjoy your blog and check it frequently.  I grew up just outside of UC and graduated in 1980, approximately a year ago moved back and bought a house on Ellen Street.  I have been doing research on my house and happened to see this same picture that you have on your blog so I thought I would send you a note.

Have a great day.
Julie Gregory

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