Friday, October 12, 2012

206 West High Street - Re-posted with comments from Marge Gottschalk

Ethel Corbin lived in the house in the picture at 206 West High Street when I was growing up.  We lived across the street at 209 West High Street.  Prior to us living in our home at 209 West High Street we lived in the little house to the left side of the picture.  The top of the old school house can be seen in the background.  The top part of the school was removed when they put the addition on the front of the building in 1931.  My father's class of 1932 was the first class to graduate in the new gym and my class of 1960 was the last.

In reviewing the 1940 census for 206 West High Street we find George Frydrychoski and his wife Woodena living in the house along with his brother Frank and sister Rita ....I am sure all remember the great motion pictures that George and Frank would show outdoors back in the 1950's, and Rita who worked at the post office till the late 1970's.  George worked in Battle Creek at one of the factories and Frank was a baker in Coldwater.  The bakery in Coldwater also had a remote location on the West side of Broadway where they sold some pretty great donuts.  Sometime after the 1940 census, the Frydrychoski's must have shorten their name to Fry.

Some comments from Marjorie (Wessel) Gottschalk ....My dad added the sun porch and two car garage on the house. Marge

....Good to hear from you. Yes Ethel brought the house at 206 West High Street from my dad, around the middle of the '40. Miss Jeanett Corbin Ethel's sister in-law lived in the corner house. Jeanett later moved to Charlotte St. The small house behind the Methodist Church. ....Carlyon and I have thought about the past and are surprised at the people we recall. Keep up the good work and I will be happy to give any info I can. Not to many of us old folks left. Time marches on, Right!!! Best to you Marge!

.....happy to hear you are keeping up with the history of UC. I was born on Thomas Street. Art Albright's bought that house from my folks. It caught fire, I'm going to guess the date about l930. The remodeled it and it burnt again, then the built the one that is there now. Rita Fry bought it from them. ....Back to West High, I believe it was about l929 or 30 we moved in. When we moved down on N Broadway around l939 my dad rented the house on W High to my sister and then the Fry family. Mrs Corbin bought it from my dad. Yes my dad built the beauty shop at the house on N Broadway for my sister. She had a nice business. Rita worked at the Post Office with your mother. Your mother and I along with a few other gals all belonged to the Live Wire Circle. We had a great TIME!!!! Do you remember Jeanett Corbin, she lived in the big corner house, then she moved on Charlotte street in the little house behind the church. She was Ethel's sister in-law. She was on the school board.  The old town has made many, many changes. So good to hear from you and do hope I can help with any information.  Marge

Comment from Ralph Gottschalk .....Woodena (Wessel) sister to my mother Marge (Wessel) Gottschalk was married to George Fry as you have asked in an email to mom ....and my Grandpa, Charles Wessel rented house to them.

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