Sunday, March 24, 2013

A & P Grocery Store - c 1949

Thanks to Junior Edwards for letting my brother Marty scan and send me this great picture of the A & P Grocery Store taken around 1949, and sharing the information below.

Junior's comments he shared with Marty: The people in the A & P picture are: Bob Borst-Manager, Junior Edwards, Dale Little, and Willoene Smith. 
In the mid 1940's the A & P Store was on the southeast corner of Broadway and Hammond Streets, the next store was Dancers (only in one building at the time the picture was taken), Brown's Department Store, and Rathburns.

Brown's Department Store moved to building where the Pioneer Bar was up until 2012, to allow Dancer's to expand next door.

Ken Ford and Lindley Johnson purchased the Brown's Department Store and converted it to a grocery store in 1946 (called Johnson & Ford Grocery).  In 1947, it was purchased by Leonard's from Battle Creek.  Leonard's was a grocery store for a couple of years (1947 & 1948).

This solved a mystery regarding what kind of store was Leonard's was that has been a mystery for the past couple of years.

Junior Edwards worked at Brown's and then the A & P.

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