Saturday, October 12, 2013

Old Livery Barn on West High Street

The picture was scanned while visiting the Hammond House in September 2013.  The picture notes it was "The Old Livery Barn on West High Street" and was donated by Dan Pendill.

The following biography for Walter Wheeler was found in the booklet "Peerless Union City Michigan" by Tom F. Robinson, published in March of 1903.

Walter Wheeler
Was born in Lambton, Ontario, April 25, 1866, and his early life was passed in Canada.  He came to Michigan when he was twenty-one years of age and located in Jackson, where he made his home until he came to Union City eight years ago.  For two years previous to coming to this place he was in the employ of the Standard Oil Company, and for the past eight years he has had charge of the company's business a this and several neighboring towns.  Four years ago he first engaged in the livery business here and he still has a first-class livery in the Union Hotels barns on West High Street.  Here one can find up-to-date turnouts at reasonable prices, and quite a large business is done.  Mr. Wheeler was married Jan. 1, 1893, to Miss Catherine Clark.  Fraternally, he is a member of the local lodge of the Royal Arcanum.

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