Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Union City Creamery - early 1900's

The above picture of the Union City Creamery was scanned from a picture at the Hammond House this past September.

The article below appeared the "Peerless Union City Michigan" booklet published by Tom F. Robinson in 1903.

Which has been in operation less than two years, is already on a good paying basis and proves of great benefit to the farmers of this vicinity.  It is a co-operative concern, the stock being held by fifty representative farmers of this vicinity and a few business men of this city, and the object in view is not to make a distribution of large dividends to the stockholders, but rather to distribute the profits to patrons by giving them the top-notch prices for their milk.  The creamery was established in July, 1901, and the capital stock is $10,000.  The plant is a model one, occupying a building erected expressly for the purpose and being equipped with the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of high-grade creamery butter.  Since June, 1902,  the management of the business has been in the hands of Mrs. C. B. Spore, who has proved her capability by the establishment of many new milk routes, thus adding to the number of patrons, as well as by increasing
Union City Creamery.

and obtaining the highest Philadelphia and Cleveland fancy prices for the product. The head butter-maker is Mr. C. S. Graves, an expert in this line, who has had twenty years' experience and whose services here have given the best of satisfaction. The receipts of milk will average 12,000 pounds daily, and the average daily manufacture of butter equals 500 pounds.  The creamery is a great boon to the farmers of this vicinity, saving them as it does the labor attendant upon the manufacture of butter and yielding them a much higher price than they would otherwise be able to obtain.  The milk wagons traverse regular routes and gather the milk which is delivered at the creamery.  The officers of the Union City Creamery Company are: President, B. W. Bray; Vice-President, C. J. Leonard; Treasurer, D. D. Buell; Secretary and Manager, Mrs. C. B. Spore; Directors, J. P. Fox, J. M. Wheeler, S. S. Melody, Jas. Martin, and L. S. Burnett.

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