Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Union City High School - Class of 1890

The picture of the Union City High School Class of 1890 was scanned while I visited the Hammond House in September 2013.  Those people identified on the back of the picture were: Claude Whitney (standing 2nd from left), Byrd Gaw (seated 1st from left), and Daisy E. Buell (seated 2nd from the left).

Names from the 1890 graduating class found in the Alumni Handbook: Daisy Buell, Ray Burlingame, Laurene Corbin, Byrd Gaw, Felia Mathews, Georgia Smyth, E. Mae Thompson, Mertis Wellman, and Claude Whitney 


  1. I found your blog by a link posted to Facebook...I'm glad I did! I've enjoyed looking through it! I share your interest in genealogy and have ancestors and current family who are from Union City. I saw that this particular post was the Class of 1890. My Great, Great, Great....Aunt, Jennie Walker graduated in 1887 from Union City High School. Do you have any photos from that far back? She eventually married Clarence Spore and they lived in Union City until their deaths. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

  2. I don't have any class pictures prior to the 1890 picture. In my visits to the Hammond House, I don't recall seeing any older school pictures. Glad you enjoy the old pictures on the blog.
