Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sherwood - Pictures and comments from Frank Gorsline - Posting #3

Some additional pictures sent to me from Frank Gorsline from Sherwood for the 1950's.
Frank shoveling snow at Williamson's Phillip 66 Station.
 Removing snow from in front of Williamson's Phillip 66 Station on Main Street in Sherwood.
Snow piled up along Main Street in Sherwood.  The empty lot on the left is where the Sherwood House once stood.
Wadsworth's Garage looking North on Main Street. They were a Marathon station. Next door on same side was Kaechle's General Store (they sold everything). The open area between the General Store and the next building, the Phillips 66 station owned by Pat and Helen Williamson, was where the Sherwood House was located.
Men playing cards in the Pool Hall at Williamson's Phillip 66.
I didn't know everyone who came in to play cards at the pool hall, the only one I remember in the picture was Clancy Hicks...the man seated on the right with cap on his head.  I played a lot of pool, but never was allowed to play cards.

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