Monday, September 1, 2014

The 1st Union City Boy Scout Troop, Feb 1918 - Re-posted with newspaper article

Photo provided by Duane Hooker....

Picture and information forwarded to me by Duane Hooker's daughter Denise ...Duane notes; "First Boy Scout Troop" - I believe the photo of the boys is the first Boy Scout Troop in Union City. A note on back of picture reads: "February 1918, picture copy by Douglas Hobday". Eli T. Hooker (Duane's father) is the third boy from the right in the photo. Duane comments that he suspects a lot of grandpa's will be recognized by their grandchildren in this picture.

Sandra Plettner originally posted the newspaper article on the "Union City, Michigan Memories" Facebook group.  The newspaper article notes the names of the boys appearing in the picture.

Comment: Looks like the Civil War Statue in the Soldiers Park beside the Congregational Church in Union City is behind the scouts. You can also see a little of the bandstand that once stood in the park on the very left in the picture. ....Ron

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