Friday, August 8, 2014

C. S. Bartlett - Furniture and Undertaking

The following biography was found while visiting the Hammond House in 2013.  The pictures were also scanned during the visit.

C. S. BARTLETT FUNERAL HOME - Charles S. Bartlett was born in a log cabin on January 26, 1875 in Shiloh, Ohio.  His family moved near Clinton, Michigan before settling in Hillsdale County.  He married Gertrude Older, a school teacher, on August 14, 1901 and they made their first home in Hillsdale.  While living there, they had three children, Charles born in 1902 and twins, Lee and Lynn, in 1907.  Mr. Bartlett had been working for C.E. Singer and Son in the furniture and undertaking business for several years.  The opportunity to be in business for himself prompted him to move to Union City in August of 1909.

The family first lived on Ellen Street across from the furniture store they owned.  At that time, funerals were either held at the deceased's home or in a church.  In 1928, the family moved to a two story house on the comer of Charlotte and Ellen Streets which was formerly owned by C..M. Hall.  During the depression of the 1930's, the furniture store was closed and the residence was remodeled into a funeral home with funerals held in the parlor.  The Bartlett's were active members of the Methodist Church and a few of the "old timers" remember that a knock on their door would give them the key to get into the church.  The home was surrounded by beautiful flower gardens and these were always available when flowers were needed for the Mother & Daughter Banquets or other church functions.

Gertrude died in 1960 at the age of 84.  Charles carried on the business until 1961.  When at the age of 86, he conducted his last burial, thus ending 52 years as a mortician in Union City.  He passed away at the age of 91 in 1966.  Charles and Gertrude are both buried in Riverside Cemetery.

The C. S. Bartlett Furniture & Undertaking on Ellen Street, the building 
later was the the Amstutz Hatchery behind the bank on Ellen Street.
C. S. Bartletts horse drawn hearse.
The Bartlett home across from the C. S. Bartlett Furniture & Undertaking business on Ellen Street.
Gertrude and Charles Bartlett in front 
of their home on Ellen Street.
C. S. Bartlett Funeral Home and residence at the southeast corner of Charlotte and Ann Streets.
C. S. Bartlett Funeral Home Hearse

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