Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Maynard Home - built in 1915 at the corner of Washington and Railroad Streets

The picture was submitted by Louis Cuyler with the following remarks:

Information under picture:  Ray, Lelia, May, Leslie, Kennard, Aunt Cora, & Uncle Lem,
Grandma Ormsby setting (Mary Maynard)

Written on the back:  Spring 1916, Uncle Lem's home in Union City on corner of Washington Street and Railroad Street.  After Aunt Lelia Northam died in 1938, Uncle Ray Northam married Mary Fredrick.  Grandma Ornsby was Grandpa Maynard's mother.  She was married to a man named James Maynard  first.  Grandpa Maynard had this house built in 1915.

She had 4 children by James Maynard:
3 - Elizibeth - Maynard - Ornsby - Rigby
2 - L. J. Maynard
1 - Carrie Dunbar - Howe
By Milton Ormsby 1 - Ida Ormsby - Monroe

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