Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tom Thumb Wedding in 1921 - Repost with Bill Gough's Comments

The picture above title "Tom Thumb Wedding" in Union City, Michigan on Feb. 11th 1921 appears to have take place in the Congregational Church.  The original picture was loaned to me to scan back in 1998, by Barbara and Vernon Cline.  They lived in the apartment across from my parents in the Butler Apartments where the old school once stood.  Barbara is in the second row back the 3rd from the left.  My father is located in the second row from the rear, the boy on the right looking off to his left.

Additional comment from Bill Gough ....My mother's older sister, Margaret Corbin, is also in the picture taken at the church. She is 2nd to the left from the organ console in the 2nd row from the top, wearing a bandanna.

Comment from Bill Gough ....My mother Eleanor Corbin Gough is in the "Tom Thumb" wedding picture taken inside First Congregational…she was four years old. I am happy to report that she is still alive and turning 96 is October. I recognized that picture as soon as I saw it, and picked my mother out right away…in fact she is on the right side of the picture in the second row and her head (black hair with a bandana) brushes up against your dad who you say is looking to the left. As the story goes, all the kids are looking at one of the bridesmaids who just became sick and is actually vomiting in the picture!

The picture above was scanned while visiting the Hammond House in 2010.  The picture notes "Tom Thumb Wedding".  Appears to be in the opera house.

1 comment:

  1. My mother's older sister, Margaret Corbin, is also in the picture taken at the church. She is 2nd to the left from the organ console in the 2nd row from the top, wearing a bandana.
