Thursday, October 10, 2013

Horse Racing Track in Union City

The following description of the horse racing track was found in the very last paragraph of the “Peerless Union City Michigan” booklet published by Tom F. Robinson in March of 1903.

Is also the scene of many interesting trotting matinees during the summer months.  There is a good half-mile track here, and as this is' the center of the horse-breeding section, there are always plenty of fast youngsters in 'the horse line.  There is a good-natured spirit of rivalry between the local owners, and they take great pleasure in the contests of their horses.  A number of the trotters who made their first trials on the track at the Union City Driving Park, have in the circuits' made enviable record's, and they have in many cases sold for thousands of dollars each.  Eastern horse buyers are here constantly, on the look-out for desirable equines for the city markets and the 'ruling prices are generally high.  The Driving Park is not far from the business portion of town, and is equipped with a large grand stand, judges' stand, and other accommodations for the public. 

The 1894 map below shows a twenty acre Fair Ground and Horse Racing Track or as known then, Driving Park.  An earlier map from 1872 notes the 20 acre track of land as "Union Agricultue Society Fair Grounds" and lists the property as belonging to Bostwick and Buell.  Another map from 1915, notes the racing track belonging to D. D. Buell.  Going back to a map from 1858, the property was part of a farm owned by G. W. Lincoln.  Today the street name on the eastside of the old fair ground is now Walnut Lane.  Homes and the Union City Community School's Elementary School now sit on this site.
The above map is from 1894, noting the location of the Fair Grounds and Racing Track.
The above picture taken at the Union City Horse Racing Track on June 8, 1908 from my collection of postcards of Union City.
The above picture was scanned at the Hammond House during my visit in September 2013.
Another picture from my postcard collection of the Union City Horse Racing Track.

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