Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hubbard-Wilkens - 1890 (updated)

Does anyone have any idea where this store front was in Union City? (see comments below)....  I scanned the picture while visiting the Hammond House this past September.  I have looked through all of the later pictures I have of the downtown and see no building resembling this store front.  Very noticeable that Union City still had wooden sidewalks in 1890 ...prior to Peerless Portland Cement Plant opening.  

Mystery location solved by my brother Marty.  The arrow points to the location of the business, which was located in the old Corbin Building where the bank now sits.

Below is a biography of the Hubbard and Wilkins Drug Store from page 20 of the booklet "Union City on the St. Jo." published by T. F. Robinson (copy can be found on the blog click on tag "Tom F Robinson").

Hubbard and Wilkins
The drug store owned and conducted by this firm is the oldest establishment of its kind in Union City, and, in fact, one of the oldest mercantile places in the town.  The present firm was organized seventeen years since, Mr. Wm. H. Hubbard coming here form Jackson, and Mr. Fred C. Wilkins from Kalamazoo County.  Both gentlemen are natives of New York State, and are resisted pharmacists of experience.  Mr. Hubbard was born in Steuben County, N.Y., Aug 5, 1852, and came to Michigan in 1857.  He was in the drug line at Jackson and Galesburg, where he obtained that practical experience in pharmacy which is his.  Mr. Wilkins was born in Erie County, N.Y., in 1847, and came to Michigan in 1875, first locating in Kalamazoo County.  He came to Union City in June, 1878, at which time the firm of Hubbard and Wilkins was organized.  Fraternally he is a member of the three local Masonic fraternities, and socially, as well as in a business way, both gentlemen and deservedly popular.  Their stock embraces not only a complete line of drugs, medicines, pharmacentical (sic) preparations, patent medicines, paints, oils, etc., but also a fine line of wall papers, second to none in this vicinity.  They also do an extensive business in books, stationery and fancy goods, a large portion of the trade in these lines being centered here.  The stock carried is a large one and the store is a commodious one, located in the Corbin Block.

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