Interior of Whiting Pharmacy (from Peerless Union City - 1903)
Note - Regarding the "Whiting & Son Pharmacy" ...(from the publication titled "Historical Industrial and Social Record of Peerless Union City Michigan" edited, compiled, and published by Tom F. Robinson in March 1903), EARLY HISTORY OF UNION CITY, reads: ....WHITING
& SON'S PHARMACY - Which is located in a commodious and handsome store in the Watkins-Maxon block, is one of Union City's most attractive trading places, and one to which citizens point with just pride. It has long been termed the finest drugstore in Branch County, an appellation which is certainly deserves, for its appointments are perfect. The store was established in 1895, but the proprietors have been known to the public of this vicinity for many years. The senior member of the firm, Geo. K. Whiting, has been engaged in the drug business in this city for thirty-five years, and he is well and favorably known to every man, woman, and child within a radius of many miles. For fifteen years he was manager of the pioneer Ewers drugstore, resigning his position there to embark in business for himself. Mr. Whiting was born in Marshall and came to this city when a boy, this place ever since having been his home. His extended experience in the drug line has given him an insight into the business which is appreciated by the trading public, and the confidence thus inspired is a leading cause for the large trade enjoyed here. Mr. Whiting's popularity has led to his being called upon on numerous occasions to fill positions of trust and responsibility. He has been township and village treasurer for a number of terms, village president for three terms, and has also filled numerous offices of minor importance. Fraternally, he is a Mason and a Maccabee. He has also been manager of the Union City Opera House, which is conducted in a highly satisfactory manner. Frank H. Whiting, the junior member of the firm, is a graduate of the pharmaceutical department of the University of Michigan, and has made a careful study of the recent notable advancement in his chosen line. He is affiliated with the Masonic and Maccabee fraternities, and is at present filling the office of village treasurer, to which he was elected last spring.

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